ASP Rigid Ultra Cuff 600 TRAINING Red pawl handcuffs

Just got back from a dog walk, please excuse my Darth Vader sound! This is the training version of the ASP model 600 rigid handcuffs. They are made from forged aluminum or aluminium as known in the UK, with steel bows. The red pawls and red body indicators signify that this is a training model. If that is not sufficient, it has in 5 places stamped on it TRAINING ONLY in case anyone does not know the meaning of the red colouration.

This handcuff is designed for easy training, to speed things up, since when single locked, the wearer can pull them off without the operator having to use a key on each bracelet. This can speed up training. Also for people interested in picking handcuffs, it offers a safety feature so that the wearer can get out of them in case their picking attempts fail.

This technology is commonly referred to in the magic/escapology community as "Gimmicking". The concept of gimmicking is that there is an alternative mechanism to get out of the handcuffs without having to properly use a key. Usually a quick mechanism. This particular type of gimmicking is referred to as "bridge jumpers" because it was used by magicians etc to escape handcuffs in an instant when jumping from a bridge or building into a body of water, where every tiny moment matters. Some types of gimmicking are more elaborate and able to withstand audience inspection etc. This style is very basic and makes a loud zipping sound when you escape them, so they are not best suited for magic tricks, though they work great as a safety feature during training or lockpicking experiments.

Long ago there were some red-pawl ASP handcuffs made which were NOT "escapable" training models. So if buying second hand, ask the seller and test them yourself to be sure they are what you expect.

They are very nice. The body of the handcuffs is absolutely identical to any other of their similar handcuffs. The only difference is the fact that red is ONLY used for training models and they also have TRAINING ONLY stamped on them. If you were to remove the red locksets and replace with a standard "real" lockset of yellow, green or blue, you would have an entirely secure and fully functional handcuff. The magic of this capability is entirely in the pawls / locksets which have the red double locking window.

Anyway, hopefully this has enlightened you as to the purpose and capabilities of the red "training only" models of ASP handcuffs.

Enjoy! (please like and subscribe :D )

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