ASP 625 Ultra PLUS Cuff Hinged Pink Handcuffs w/ Keyless Double Lock & METAL mechanism!

These are ASP Ultra Cuff hinged Identifier pink police handcuffs. Model 625. But these are the new revised updated version. Based on feedback of the double locking button popping out if people abuse the cuffs, they have changed the locksets to include the double lock button permanently as part of the lockset!

These are a keyless double locking handcuff from ASP. The nice thing is you just need to press the button to double lock them. This makes it slightly safer for police to use because if they do not need to adjust the tightness, they can double lock them without having to bring the key near the suspect. Of course they still have the usual ability to double lock the handcuffs by using the key in the keyway.

These are an Identifier model, meaning they have a coloured band on them which can be used by police and prisons either just for a personal preference or as part of a code system to prisons know which prisoners are the most dangerous, or have certain health issues etc.

These are especially good... The reason I really like the new cheaper Sentry line, is that the internal mechanism parts that the key touches are all metal. Metal on metal will last longer than metal smacking into plastic, especially if you use non-ASP keys that are not as smooth! Well these new Ultra Plus handcuffs have the same type of all-metal contact points which MAJORLY impresses me! This should really improve the life of the locksets before they ever need to be replaced. If anyone knows if the original Ultra Plus with the separate plunger removal hole has metal contact points in the mechanism, I would love it if you could let me know!

My pair has a minor defect. These are the new revision of the Ultra Cuff, but the colour identifier band section is from old stock from back when there was a hole needed to remove the double lock button separately from the mechanism. You can see the hole in the pink area, but there is no actual hole in the body of the cuff. They were just using up old stock of the coloured parts.

One thing to note is, that all Ultra Plus cuffs require you to reverse your brain, if you are used to normal older ASP cuffs. The way you used to turn the key to undo the double lock and open the cuff is the other side now. Should not take too much getting used to for occupational users of this handcuff, but it is worth noting. Also double lock the cuffs before trying to remove the locksets, if you have this new revision of the ultra plus.

All in all a very comfortable and safer handcuff to use, with less chance of injuring people. I am really happy to have one in my collection now!

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